Woolsey (7/8) Complete!

We have completed restoration of the Newberry Memorial Organ's Pedal Division and Console.


Here are a few photos of the console and the 32' Bombarde!

Announcing the Restoration of Opus 736!

The A. Thompson-Allen Company is pleased to announce the start of an exciting new project. We are about to begin a full restoration of Skinner Opus 736, installed at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament in Worcester, Massachusetts. 


             GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
         16' Bourdon              5 PED           8' Diapason            73
          8' First Diapason      61               8' Rohrflöte           73
          8' Second Diapason     61               8' Salicional          73
          8' Flute Harmonique    61               8' Voix Celeste        73
          4' Octave              61               4' Octave              73
         II  Grave Mixture      122               4' Flute Triangulaire  73
                                                III  Mixture            183
             CHOIR ORGAN                         16' Waldhorn            73
          8' Concert Flute       73               8' Trumpet             73
          8' Dulciana            73               8' Oboe                73
          8' Unda Maris (TC)     61                  Tremolo
          4' Flute               73
          8' Clarinet            73                  PEDAL ORGAN
             Tremolo                             16' Diapason            32
                                                 16' Contre Basse        32
                                                 16' Bourdon             32
                                                  8' Octave              12
                                                  8' Gedeckt             12
                                                  4' Flute               12


New Haven to host regional AGO convention

The City of New Haven will be hosting this year's Northeast Regional Convention for the American Guild of Organists. We are very excited. This city is our home and all but one of the concert venues have pipe organs that we maintain. All of the concerts are open to the public - and free! Please check out the convention's website for a full schedule.